Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Flowers and Flaps and Warmers Oh My!

I haven't updated the blog in awhile and thought I would go ahead and post some pictures of what I have been working on lately. We made it through the Christmas rush and have continued to stay pretty busy with our stores that we are in. Go ahead and look around and if you see anything you would like me to make for ya, just leave a comment or email me at

Our new additions:

Earflap hats available with stripes/ or flowers in a wide variety of colors

Ear Warmers are available tone on tone or the flowers can be in a different color. They are just wide enough to cover your ears and keep them toasty warm! They are $10.

Flowers on clips available for your hair, your hat, your sweater, wherever you want to put them! They are $2.

Pom pom hats are available in a wide variety of colors and have a large pom pom on top or there is another type of hat that has 2 pom poms on top, the hat is shaped like a square and there is one pom pom on either side of the hat! Super cute for the little ones!

Scarves are now available too! They are skinny scarves that you can where in a variety of ways! They can also come with flowers on the ends as well! They range in price from $15-$20.

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Christmas Orders! and So Lovey Dovey in stores now!!

Hi all!

Thanks for visiting the blog... We did our second craft show and new contacts were made and I am hoping that some of you are visiting the blog!

The first exciting news is that you can make So Lovey Dovey purchases in a variety of stores around the Oklahoma City area! Infant and Adult hats can be purchased at DNA Galleries in the Plaza District, Children's hats will be at Blue Seven starting on Tuesday of next week, and Adult hats are at The Paper Lion in Edmond! I can't believe how much everyone has helped me get the word out about the hats and has helped connect me with these stores that are wanting to sell So Lovey Dovey hats! Don't forget you can also order hats through Etsy as well! It is all very exciting and keeping me very busy!

Although I am busy keeping the stores with stock, I wanted to let you know that you can still put in your Christmas orders :) If you can let me know what orders you would like for Christmas by December 12th than I can get it back to you in time for the Holidays. So take a look around the site and let me know what I can get for you! Special Orders are always welcome and feel free to send pictures, etc!

The pictures above are of all our little models :) too cute! thanks parents for sharing the pictures with me!

Thanks so much for stopping by the blog!


Thursday, October 15, 2009

So Lovey Dovey Available for Parties!

The first craft show of the fall was a huge success!! Hopefully all of you who picked up a card have visited the blog and found some items that you can't live without! the same pricing will be on objects from the website as were at the craft show. Also, be sure to keep in mind that the turn around on any orders is pretty quick! We can be sure to get you your order within 1-2 weeks. Just in time for the Holidays and these homemade objects make perfect Christmas gifts!!

We wanted to let you know that our next show will be November 14th in Mustang. Email us if you want more information or to make orders at

We also wanted to let you know that we are available for parties! Ashley is also selling Scentsy and we have our first Scentsy/So Lovey Dovey Party in November. So get all of your friends together that are looking for Christmas gifts we will have something for young (hats, headbands, onesies, tutus) and old(er) (scentsy, hats, earwarmers). Just let us know if you want to book a party!!

Here is our newest model all the way from Germany!!

Loving the fall weather and getting chances to wear our hats!!

Thanks for visiting us!

Ashley and Dionne

Saturday, September 12, 2009


It's official... I am for sure doing 2 shows in the fall!

The first show is set for October 10th in Yukon at St. John's church!

The second show is set for November 14th in Mustang at The Bridge Church!

Come visit and pick out a new hat for your little or big one!

Every hat can be customized in any color/shape/embellishment, etc!

All hats are $15.00!!

Thanks for visiting and see you at the show!!


Football Season is finally here!!! As well as cross country and basketball right around the corner! Be sure to get your favorite teams hat in the colors of your choice! The pictures posted show some OSU, OU, and Yukon favorites!!

These hats are sure to keep your head toasty while sitting and cheering on your favorite team!

Thanks for visiting!!!


Hi All!

Sorry it has been so long since I've updated the blog. Been a crazy summer making hats and experimenting with new yarn and patterns, etc.

The newest creation I have come up with is a variety of hats for the holidays! The fall holidays have all been covered at this point... with more Christmas and Winter/Spring options to come soon...

Here are a few of the pictures to give you an idea of what I've come up with!

Let me know if I can make anything for your little ones (or big ones :))

Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Baby Dresses and Sweaters

Been working on some new items!  A friend of mine at work is having a little girl in June and I found this pattern for a newborn dress and thought it was too too cute to not try to make!  Hers is the one with the red ribbon... those are lady bug buttons on the back.  The sweater is hers too, there are frog buttons on it because her husband always calls himself her "frog prince." Thought they turned out super cute and had to share on the blog! 

let us know what we can make for ya!  Thanks for visiting So Lovey Dovey!

Dionne and Ashley